Article: Mindful Moral Compass: 16 Guidelines as Ethics Course at University of Toronto
I’m happy to share with you this article recently published in the special edition on Mindfulness of the International Journal of Psychotherapy!
Special thanks to all of the co-authors, Michele, Sarah, Rob and of course, Dekyi-Lee who is one of the authors of the 16 Guidelines and who spent countless hours designing and refining this course. Also thanks to Shelley Urlando, who has co-taught this course with me for the past two years.
You can download the article here:
IJP_ESI_July_2016_(15)_Mackie_Others Small
A copy of the “light” version (free) of the special edition is available here: Mindfulness and PsychotherapyÂ
Congratulations to the other members for the Ottawa mindfulness community who also published in this special edition: Dr. Lynette Monteiro, Dr. Frank Musten, Jessie Bosse and Brittany Glynn.
For a link to the U of T course on Ethics and Mindfulness go here: U of T Applied Mindfulness Meditation CertificateÂ